Super Titan Eden Guide Hero Wars Alliance wallpaper

Super Titan Eden Guide Hero Wars Alliance

  • By: Alexandre Domingos. .

Main Attributes

Attribute Details
Position Back Line
Function Super Titan, Marksman, Control
Main Element Earth
How to get Soul Stones Events, Summoning sphere

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Strategy Guide: Mastering Eden, the Earth Super Titan


Welcome to the world of Titans, where powerful beings clash in epic battles! In this guide, we'll delve into the strategy behind utilizing Eden, the formidable super titan of the Earth element. Eden's role as a Marksman is crucial in dealing massive damage to enemies, particularly those of the water element. With his control skills and area damage capabilities, Eden proves to be a formidable force on the battlefield.

Understanding Eden's Abilities

Before diving into battle, let's familiarize ourselves with Eden's unique abilities:

1. Charge of Creation

Description: Eden raises a stone from the ground and hurls it at the enemy team's center.

Effect: Deals (350% x Physical ATK) damage to all enemies near the impact point.

2. Underground Prison (Passive)

Description: Eden wraps a random enemy with roots, pulling them underground for 6 seconds. After releasing the enemy, they are stunned for 2 seconds.

Special Condition: If the target is the last enemy remaining in the battle, they will be stunned instead of being pulled underground.

Strategy Tips

1. Target Selection

Focus on Water Element Titans: Given Eden's strength against water element titans, prioritize targeting them first. His abilities are particularly effective against them, enabling your team to gain a strategic advantage early in battles.

2. Positioning

Optimal Placement: Position Eden strategically to maximize the impact of his Charge of Creation ability. Aim to target the center of the enemy team, ensuring maximum damage to multiple foes.

3. Crowd Control

Utilize Underground Prison: Use Eden's Underground Prison ability to control the battlefield. By pulling an enemy underground, you effectively remove them from the fight temporarily, disrupting the enemy team's formation and reducing their effectiveness in combat.

4. Timing is Key

Coordinate with Teammates: Timing is crucial when using Eden's abilities. Coordinate with your teammates to capitalize on moments when enemy titans are vulnerable or when you need to disrupt their strategies. Combining Eden's skills with those of other titans can lead to devastating combos.

5. Adapt to Battle Conditions

Stay Flexible: Remain adaptable during battles. Assess the situation and adjust your strategy accordingly. Whether it's focusing on different targets, using abilities defensively, or seizing opportunities for offense, being flexible will enhance your effectiveness with Eden.

6. Upgrade and Enhance

Invest in Eden's Growth: As you progress in your journey, invest in Eden's growth by upgrading his abilities and acquiring enhancements. Strengthening Eden will increase his effectiveness on the battlefield, allowing you to overcome tougher challenges and adversaries.

Titan Eden in Dungeon

Eden's Strength for Dungeon

Eden's strength in the dungeon is undeniable. His ability to deal massive area damage and control the battlefield with his stunning skills can turn the tide of battle in your favor. With each encounter, Eden ensures that your team not only survives but thrives, maximizing your chances of success.

Enhancing Team Progression in Dungeon

One of Eden's greatest contributions in the dungeon is his ability to facilitate team progression. His formidable presence allows your team to delve deeper into the dungeon, facing greater challenges and reaping richer rewards along the way. With Eden by your side, you'll find yourself venturing into uncharted territories and discovering treasures beyond imagination.

Synergy with Tank Titans in Dungeon

While Eden reigns supreme with his prowess, it's essential to remember the importance of balance in your team composition. Pairing Eden with a sturdy tank titan like Angus, also of the strong Earth element, ensures that your team remains resilient in the face of adversity. Angus's defensive capabilities complement Eden's offensive prowess, creating a formidable duo that can withstand even the toughest of foes.

Elemental Advantage

In the dungeon, where strategic decisions can mean the difference between victory and defeat, elemental advantage plays a crucial role. Fortunately, Eden's strength against water titans aligns perfectly with the dungeon's dynamics, where Earth titans reign supreme. This alignment allows you to invest in Eden with confidence, knowing that his abilities will shine brightest when facing off against the dungeon's formidable water element foes.

Eden Positive and Negative Points

Positive Points

  • Damage in area
  • Stuns enemies
  • Draws enemies under the ground

Negative Points

  • Weak against Fire, Light and Dark Titans
  • Weak against Nova stun

Stats Evolution Priority

Artifacts Priority

In the mystical realm of Artifacts of Eden, it's paramount to prioritize the acquisition of the Seal of Defense. This artifact not only enhances the physical attack prowess of your team but also fortifies their health, ensuring greater durability in the face of adversity. Following this, bestow upon your warriors the Weapon Soul of Andvari, a relic renowned for its ability to bestow formidable defensive capabilities against the relentless onslaught of water titans. By equipping your team with these artifacts, you empower them to conquer challenges with unparalleled resilience and strength.

Titan Eden Artifacts Hero Wars Mobile
Eden Artifacts, Hero Wars.
Eden Artifacts Priority
Artifact Description
1st Seal of Defense To provide more physical attack and health
2nd Soul of Andvari To give more defense against water titans for the whole team
3rd Crown of the Earth To enhance overall earth element abilities

Skins Priority

At the current juncture, it's worth noting that the available options for physical attack skins for the mighty Eden Titan are rather limited, comprising only two variants. However, despite this apparent scarcity, it's imperative to underscore the paramount importance of acquiring and utilizing these skins to their fullest potential. As the primary source of offensive prowess for Eden, these physical attack skins serve as a catalyst for unleashing devastating blows upon adversaries, enabling him to assert dominance on the battlefield with unparalleled ferocity.

Therefore, it's advisable to prioritize the acquisition and application of these skins, as they hold the key to unlocking Eden's true potential as a formidable force to be reckoned with.

Eden Skins Priority
Type Description
1st Physical Attack
2nd Physical Attack
Titan Eden with Default skin, Hero Wars Alliance.
Titan Eden with Default skin, Hero Wars Alliance.

Titan Eden in Battles

Strong Against

  • Sigurd, Mairi, Hyperion

Eden Counters

  • Araji, Ignis, Vulcan, Moloch, Keros

Titan Eden Best Teams

Eden Best Teams
# Titans
1 Amon, Hyperion, Eden, Iyari, Sigurd
2 Amon, Hyperion, Eden, Iyari, Angus
3 Amon, Eden, Iyari, Araji, Sigurd
4 Amon, Ignis, Hyperion, Eden, Sigurd
5 Amon, Hyperion, Eden, Araji, Angus
6 Hyperion, Eden, Iyari, Araji, Sigurd
7 Hyperion, Eden, Iyari, Nova, Sigurd
8 Hyperion, Eden, Araji, Nova, Angus
9 Hyperion, Eden, Araji, Nova, Sigurd
10 Ignis, Eden, Araji, Nova, Sigurd

Eden Guide Conclusion

Mastering Eden, the Earth Super Titan, requires strategic thinking, precise timing, and adaptability. By leveraging his control skills, area damage capabilities, and strength against water element titans, you can turn the tide of battles in your favor.

Eden stands as a beacon of strength and resilience in the dungeon, leading your team to greater heights and riches untold. With his unparalleled abilities and strategic prowess, Eden ensures that every step taken in the dungeon is a step closer to victory. So venture forth with Eden by your side, and let the depths of the dungeon tremble at the might of your alliance.

With this guide as your companion, embark on your journey with Eden and dominate the battlefield like never before!

Video suggestion

Video: Titan Skin Stones How Does It Work? (subtitles)

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